Any way to clean this GM from 0?

Accounts and stuff are usually put inside the scriptfiles directory (if not connected to a MySQL database). You could try deleting all the contents inside (make sure to have a backup in case the gamemode won't start up after- some gamemodes require some files/directories inside the scriptfiles directory to boot - those off course must not be deleted but I can't tell from here)

Messages In This Thread
Any way to clean this GM from 0? - by Jaua10 - 01.04.2018, 07:17
Re: Any way to clean this GM from 0? - by Kwarde - 01.04.2018, 13:02
Re: Any way to clean this GM from 0? - by Jaua10 - 02.04.2018, 05:36
Re: Any way to clean this GM from 0? - by Kwarde - 02.04.2018, 06:22
Re: Any way to clean this GM from 0? - by Jaua10 - 02.04.2018, 06:31
Re: Any way to clean this GM from 0? - by Jaua10 - 02.04.2018, 07:16
Re: Any way to clean this GM from 0? - by Jaua10 - 02.04.2018, 20:46

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