CHAT Crash

Hello, I have a problem, if I write something in the CHAT the server crashes immediately,
can someone help me?

PHP код:
[11:46:03] [debugServer crashed while executing gr.amx
[11:46:03] [debugAMX backtrace:
11:46:03] [debug#0 native fwrite () from samp03svr
[11:46:03] [debug#1 0005d5f0 in ?? (23933148) from gr.amx
[11:46:03] [debug#2 00063600 in public gOnPlayerText (0, 23917860) from gr.amx
[11:46:03] [debug#3 native CallLocalFunction () from samp03svr
[11:46:03] [debug#4 00000c08 in public OnPlayerText (0, 23917852) from gr.amx
[11:46:03] [debugNative backtrace:
11:46:03] [debug#0 f73c1ca0 in _Z13GetStackTraceRSt6vectorI10StackFrameSaIS0_EEPv () from plugins/
[11:46:03] [debug#1 f73bad22 in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/
[11:46:03] [debug#2 f73bb314 in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/
[11:46:03] [debug#3 f73bd964 in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/
[11:46:03] [debug#4 f73c15cd in ?? () from plugins/
[11:46:03] [debug#5 f771ad50 in __kernel_rt_sigreturn () from
[11:46:03] [debug#6 f771ad70 in __kernel_vsyscall () from
[11:46:03] [debug#7 f7417367 in gsignal () from /lib32/
[11:46:03] [debug#8 f7418a23 in abort () from /lib32/
[11:46:03] [debug#9 f7410697 in ?? () from /lib32/
[11:46:03] [debug#10 f7410747 in ?? () from /lib32/
[11:46:03] [debug#11 0809b99c in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[11:46:03] [debug#12 0809bdff in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[11:46:03] [debug#13 080950e4 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[11:46:03] [debug#14 f73bc7b3 in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/
[11:46:03] [debug#15 00000001 in ?? () from �'n�H%n���1
[11:46:03] [debug] ��1
[11:46:03] [debug] ��1
[11:46:03] [debug] ��1
[11:46:03] [debug5�1
[11:46:03] [debug] ��1
[11:46:03] [debug] �n� 

Messages In This Thread
CHAT Crash - by T1 - 31.03.2018, 10:04
Re: CHAT Crash - by rfr - 31.03.2018, 10:07
Re: CHAT Crash - by T1 - 31.03.2018, 10:16
Re: CHAT Crash - by DeathCore - 31.03.2018, 21:04

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