help plz argument type mismatch (argument 4)

Well if you look up you see that arguments are in the wrong order.

PHP код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playeridDIALOG_TOKENDIALOG_STYLE_INPUT"Token""Kamu mempunyai Token:""Simpan""Batal"); 
Or similar. Not sure where to put pToken since I don't know what you intend to do and what it contains.
If it contains the token that a player has and you want to show it to the player, you should format a new string with all of the text there and pass it in place of "Kamu mempunyai..."

Messages In This Thread
help plz argument type mismatch (argument 4) - by bagusapezst - 29.03.2018, 15:05
Re: help plz argument type mismatch (argument 4) - by AdamsLT - 29.03.2018, 15:13
Re: help plz argument type mismatch (argument 4) - by bagusapezst - 30.03.2018, 11:56

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