Please help! array must be indexed (variable "inputtext")

Originally Posted by Logic_
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MySQL provides way more functions because it's utilizing the latest version of MySQL while the SQLite version which SA-MP utilizes is outdated but not outdated that it would become obsolete. But I'd love to see an update in it.

I prefer SQLite over MySQL for SA-MP since MySQL is an overkill. And any INI system is idiocracy (not smart).
INI files have their use cases. They are generally used for settings, which is a good use-case, since they aren't access very frequently and only require a simple file format. In SA:MP however, we're usually storing different data than single key-value pairs, so they don't fit well. This is true for (some) user systems.

As far as SQLite vs MySQL, it really depends what you are working with. I had an idea for a gamemode once that would store roughly 1m values per player, with the potential for more. Due the massive amount of data, and the speed/stability performance of multithreading, MySQL would have been my choice. But most of the time, like you said, SQLite is a perfectly fine fit.

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