MySQL offline ban not working -_-

Originally Posted by m1kas
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CMD:oban(playerid, params[]) 
    new name[24], reason[128], Query[155]; 
    if(sscanf(params, "s[24]s[128]", name, reason)) 
        return SCM(playerid, COR_CINZA, "Use: /oban [name] [reason]"); 

    mysql_format(g_SQL, Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT id FROM players WHERE username = '%s' LIMIT 1", name); 
    mysql_tquery(g_SQL, Query, "OnPlayerOban", "iss", playerid, name, reason); 
    return 1; 

forward OnPlayerOBan(playerid, target[], offreason[]); 
public OnPlayerOBan(playerid, target[], offreason[]) 
    if(cache_num_rows() > 0) 
        new obanquery[256], admin[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],  banip[16], year, month, day, formatDate[12]; 

        cache_get_value_name(0, "ip", banip, 16); 
        GetPlayerName(playerid, admin, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); 

        getdate(year, month, day); 
        format(formatDate, 12, "%02d/%02d/%d", day, month, year); 

        mysql_format(g_SQL, obanquery, sizeof(obanquery), "INSERT INTO bans VALUES(NULL, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')",  target, admin, banip, formatDate, offreason); 
        mysql_tquery(g_SQL, obanquery); 

        SendClientMessageToAllEx(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "AdmCmd: %s banned %s, reason: %s", pNome(playerid), target, offreason); 
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ERROR] That player isn't registered!"); 
    return 1; 
Should work perfectly fine if you have the banid automatically incremented, also the problem is that you are specifying a query to be the length of 128 cells, while you want to send a query of combined 152 cells (128 for reason, 24 for name). So never specify string lengths in threaded queries.

This will work but no one see the important thing in codes.

You Callback is "OnPlayerOBan" but you were using "OnPlayerOban" in your command.
Thats why it didn't respond!

it should be

    mysql_format(g_SQL, Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT id FROM players WHERE username = '%s' LIMIT 1", name); 
    mysql_tquery(g_SQL, Query, "OnPlayerOBan", "iss", playerid, name, reason);
instead of

    mysql_format(g_SQL, Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT id FROM players WHERE username = '%s' LIMIT 1", name); 
    mysql_tquery(g_SQL, Query, "OnPlayerOban", "iss", playerid, name, reason);

Messages In This Thread
MySQL offline ban not working -_- - by insus100 - 18.03.2018, 00:01
Re: MySQL offline ban not working -_- - by m1kas - 18.03.2018, 00:14
Re: MySQL offline ban not working -_- - by insus100 - 18.03.2018, 00:19
Re: MySQL offline ban not working -_- - by insus100 - 18.03.2018, 00:29
Re: MySQL offline ban not working -_- - by insus100 - 18.03.2018, 00:40
Re: MySQL offline ban not working -_- - by m1kas - 18.03.2018, 00:49
Re: MySQL offline ban not working -_- - by insus100 - 18.03.2018, 00:52
Re: MySQL offline ban not working -_- - by UFF - 18.03.2018, 15:12
Re: MySQL offline ban not working -_- - by insus100 - 18.03.2018, 15:26
Re: MySQL offline ban not working -_- - by UFF - 18.03.2018, 15:40

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