08.03.2018, 17:21
Essa include WE nгo existe. Deve ser apenas uma renomeaзгo besta, visto que:
#if defined _dof2_included #endinput #endif #define _dof2_included |
fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "OPSPWE"
/******************************************** * OnPlayerShootPlayerWE! V8.3 * * Credits: wups * * Double-O-Seven for CrossProduct system * * Nero3D for GetPlayerCameraWeaponVector * ********************************************/ // include #include <a_samp> #tryinclude <foreach> // defines #if defined OPSP #endinput #endif #define OPSP #if !defined foreach #define foreach(%1,%2) for (new %2 = 0; %2 < MAX_PLAYERS; %2++) if (IsPlayerConnected(%2)) #define __SSCANF_FOREACH__ #endif #if !defined PRESSED #define PRESSED(%0) \ (((newkeys & (%0)) == (%0)) && ((oldkeys & (%0)) != (%0))) #endif #if !defined RELEASED #define RELEASED(%0) \ (((newkeys & (%0)) != (%0)) && ((oldkeys & (%0)) == (%0))) #endif // variables static Float:RL_phealth[MAX_PLAYERS], Float:RL_parmour[MAX_PLAYERS], bool:RL_Shooting[MAX_PLAYERS], bool:RL_UpdatedHealth[MAX_PLAYERS], bool:RL_OPUP, bool:RL_OPSC, bool:RL_OPKSC, bool:RL_OPC, RL_Released[MAX_PLAYERS]; // forwards forward OnPlayerShootPlayerWE(Shooter,Target,Float:HealthLost,Float:ArmourLost); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: AdjustVector Params: & Float: vX - x Vector to adjust & Float: vY - y Vector to adjust & Float: vZ - z Vector to adjust Float: oX - x Offset Vector Float: oY - y Offset Vector const Float: oZ - z Offset Vector Return: - Notes: Adjust the vector with the offset --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ stock AdjustVector(& Float: vX, & Float: vY, & Float: vZ, Float: oX, Float: oY, const Float: oZ) { // Credits Nero_3D static Float: Angle; Angle = -atan2(vX, vY); if(45.0 < Angle) { oX ^= oY; oY ^= oX; oX ^= oY; if(90.0 < Angle) { oX *= -1; if(135.0 < Angle) { oX *= -1; oX ^= oY; oY ^= oX; oX ^= oY; oX *= -1; } } } else if(Angle < 0.0) { oY *= -1; if(Angle < -45.0) { oX *= -1; oX ^= oY; oY ^= oX; oX ^= oY; oX *= -1; if(Angle < -90.0) { oX *= -1; if(Angle < -135.0) { oX ^= oY; oY ^= oX; oX ^= oY; } } } } vX += oX, vY += oY; vZ += oZ; return false; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: GetPlayerCameraWeaponVector Params: playerid - Player to get the weapon vector of & Float: vX - x Vector variable & Float: vY - y Vector variable & Float: vZ - z Vector variable Return: If the player is connected Notes: Gets the weapon vector of the player native GetPlayerCameraWeaponVector(playerid, & Float: vX, & Float: vY, & Float: vZ); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ stock GetPlayerCameraWeaponVector(playerid, & Float: vX, & Float: vY, & Float: vZ) { // Credits Nero_3D static weapon; if(21 < (weapon = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid)) < 39) { GetPlayerCameraFrontVector(playerid, vX, vY, vZ); switch(weapon) { case WEAPON_SNIPER, WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER, WEAPON_HEATSEEKER: {} case WEAPON_RIFLE: { AdjustVector(vX, vY, vZ, 0.016204, 0.009899, 0.047177); } case WEAPON_AK47, WEAPON_M4: { AdjustVector(vX, vY, vZ, 0.026461, 0.013070, 0.069079); } default: { AdjustVector(vX, vY, vZ, 0.043949, 0.015922, 0.103412); } } return true; } else GetPlayerCameraFrontVector(playerid, vX, vY, vZ); return false; } stock crossp(Float:v1x, Float:v1y, Float:v1z, Float:v2x, Float:v2y, Float:v2z, &Float:output) { new Float:c1 = (v1y * v2z) - (v1z * v2y), Float:c2 = (v1z * v2x) - (v1x * v2z), Float:c3 = (v1x * v2y) - (v1y * v2x); output = floatsqroot ((c1 * c1) + (c2 * c2) + (c3 * c3)); return 0; } stock GetDistanceFromPointToLine(&Float:distance, Float:line_vector_x, Float:line_vector_y, Float:line_vector_z, Float:line_x, Float:line_y, Float:line_z, Float:point_x, Float:point_y, Float:point_z) { //A line is defined by a point (which is on the line (line_x/y/z)) and a vector which defines the direction (line_vector_x/y/z). static Float:output; crossp(line_vector_x, line_vector_y, line_vector_z, point_x - line_x, point_y - line_y, point_z - line_z, output);//Cross product of 2 vectors. distance = output / floatsqroot ((line_vector_x * line_vector_x) + (line_vector_y * line_vector_y) + (line_vector_z * line_vector_z)); return 0; } public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) { static Float:RL_HP, Float:RL_Armour; GetPlayerHealth(playerid,RL_HP); GetPlayerArmour(playerid,RL_Armour); if(RL_HP != RL_phealth[playerid] || RL_Armour != RL_parmour[playerid]) { if(RL_UpdatedHealth[playerid]) RL_UpdatedHealth[playerid]=false; else { new Float:RL_PlayerPos[3], Float:RL_Distance, Float:RL_CameraPos[3], Float:RL_CameraVectors[3], RL_Tick ; RL_Tick = (GetTickCount()-1000); GetPlayerPos(playerid, RL_PlayerPos[0], RL_PlayerPos[1], RL_PlayerPos[2]); foreach(Player,i) { if(RL_Shooting[i] || RL_Tick < RL_Released[i]) { if(i != playerid) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i,200.0,RL_PlayerPos[0], RL_PlayerPos[1], RL_PlayerPos[2])) { GetPlayerCameraWeaponVector(i, RL_CameraVectors[0], RL_CameraVectors[1], RL_CameraVectors[2]); GetPlayerCameraPos(i, RL_CameraPos[0], RL_CameraPos[1], RL_CameraPos[2]); GetDistanceFromPointToLine(RL_Distance, RL_CameraVectors[0], RL_CameraVectors[1], RL_CameraVectors[2], RL_CameraPos[0], RL_CameraPos[1], RL_CameraPos[2], RL_PlayerPos[0], RL_PlayerPos[1], RL_PlayerPos[2]); if(RL_Distance < 2.5) { CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerShootPlayerWE","iiff",i,playerid,(RL_phealth[playerid]-RL_HP),(RL_parmour[playerid]-RL_Armour)); break; } } } } } } } RL_phealth[playerid]=RL_HP; RL_parmour[playerid]=RL_Armour; return (RL_OPUP)?CallLocalFunction("RL_OnPlayerUpdate","i",playerid):1; } // Functions // SetPlayerHealth stock SetPlayerHealthEx(playerid, Float:health) { // RL_phealth[playerid]=health; RL_UpdatedHealth[playerid]=true; return SetPlayerHealth(playerid, health); } #define SetPlayerHealth SetPlayerHealthEx // SetPlayerArmour stock SetPlayerArmourEx(playerid, Float:armour) { // RL_parmour[playerid]=armour; RL_UpdatedHealth[playerid]=true; return SetPlayerArmour(playerid, armour); } #define SetPlayerArmour SetPlayerArmourEx #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate #undef OnPlayerUpdate #else #define _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate #endif #define OnPlayerUpdate RL_OnPlayerUpdate forward RL_OnPlayerUpdate(playerid); // OnPlayerKeyStateChange public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys) { if(PRESSED(KEY_FIRE)) RL_Shooting[playerid]=true; else if(RELEASED(KEY_FIRE)) { RL_Shooting[playerid]=false; RL_Released[playerid]=GetTickCount(); } return (RL_OPKSC)?CallLocalFunction("RL_OnPlayerKeyStateChange","iii",playerid,newkeys,oldkeys):1; } #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerKeyStateChange #undef OnPlayerKeyStateChange #else #define _ALS_OnPlayerKeyStateChange #endif #define OnPlayerKeyStateChange RL_OnPlayerKeyStateChange forward RL_OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid,newkeys,oldkeys); // OnPlayerStateChange public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate) { if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_WASTED) { if(RL_UpdatedHealth[playerid]) RL_UpdatedHealth[playerid]=false; else { new Float:RL_PlayerPos[3], Float:RL_Distance, Float:RL_CameraPos[3], Float:RL_CameraVectors[3], RL_Tick, Float:RL_HP, Float:RL_Armour ; GetPlayerHealth(playerid,RL_HP); GetPlayerArmour(playerid,RL_Armour); RL_Tick = (GetTickCount()-1000); GetPlayerPos(playerid, RL_PlayerPos[0], RL_PlayerPos[1], RL_PlayerPos[2]); foreach(Player,i) { if(RL_Shooting[i] || RL_Tick < RL_Released[i]) { if(i != playerid) { GetPlayerCameraWeaponVector(i, RL_CameraVectors[0], RL_CameraVectors[1], RL_CameraVectors[2]); GetPlayerCameraPos(i, RL_CameraPos[0], RL_CameraPos[1], RL_CameraPos[2]); if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i,200.0,RL_PlayerPos[0], RL_PlayerPos[1], RL_PlayerPos[2])) { GetDistanceFromPointToLine(RL_Distance, RL_CameraVectors[0], RL_CameraVectors[1], RL_CameraVectors[2], RL_CameraPos[0], RL_CameraPos[1], RL_CameraPos[2], RL_PlayerPos[0], RL_PlayerPos[1], RL_PlayerPos[2]); if(RL_Distance < 2.5) { CallLocalFunction("OnPlayerShootPlayerWE","iiff",i,playerid,(RL_phealth[playerid]-RL_HP),(RL_parmour[playerid]-RL_Armour)); break; } } } } } } } RL_Shooting[playerid]=false; RL_Released[playerid]=GetTickCount(); return (RL_OPSC)?CallLocalFunction("RL_OnPlayerStateChange","iii",playerid,newstate,oldstate):1; } #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerStateChange #undef OnPlayerStateChange #else #define _ALS_OnPlayerStateChange #endif #define OnPlayerStateChange RL_OnPlayerStateChange forward RL_OnPlayerStateChange(playerid,newstate, oldstate); // OnPlayerConnect public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { RL_Shooting[playerid]=false; RL_Released[playerid]=0; return (RL_OPC)?CallLocalFunction("RL_OnPlayerConnect","i",playerid):1; } #if defined _ALS_OnPlayerConnect #undef OnPlayerConnect #else #define _ALS_OnPlayerConnect #endif #define OnPlayerConnect RL_OnPlayerConnect forward RL_OnPlayerConnect(playerid); #if !defined FILTERSCRIPT // OnGameModeInit public OnGameModeInit() { RL_OPUP = (funcidx("RL_OnPlayerUpdate") != -1); RL_OPSC = (funcidx("RL_OnPlayerStateChange") != -1); RL_OPKSC = (funcidx("RL_OnPlayerKeyStateChange") != -1); RL_OPC = (funcidx("RL_OnPlayerConnect") != -1); return (funcidx("RL_OnGameModeInit") != -1)?CallLocalFunction("RL_OnGameModeInit",""):1; } #if defined _ALS_OnGameModeInit #undef OnGameModeInit #else #define _ALS_OnGameModeInit #endif #define OnGameModeInit RL_OnGameModeInit forward RL_OnGameModeInit(); #else // OnFilterScriptInit public OnFilterScriptInit() { RL_OPUP = (funcidx("RL_OnPlayerUpdate") != -1); RL_OPSC = (funcidx("RL_OnPlayerStateChange") != -1); RL_OPKSC = (funcidx("RL_OnPlayerKeyStateChange") != -1); RL_OPC = (funcidx("RL_OnPlayerConnect") != -1); return (funcidx("RL_OnFilterScriptInit") != -1)?CallLocalFunction("RL_OnFilterScriptInit",""):1; } #if defined _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit #undef OnFilterScriptInit #else #define _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit #endif #define OnFilterScriptInit RL_OnFilterScriptInit. forward RL_OnFilterScriptInit(); #endif // The end.