Compiling with default compiler after using Zeex's

Keep using Zeex... It won't become unsupported any more than the normal pawno/pawn that we have as they're not being maintained, or updated.

Exactly the same as Zeex, except Zeex is a lot newer.

Also going back from Zeex to plain standard is probably going to cause trouble as zeex supports more techniques than normal standard pawncc. (3D Arrays, Longer strings)

Just be sure to keep his repository bookmarked, mirrored, and all that.

Messages In This Thread
Compiling with default compiler after using Zeex's - by Riwerry - 07.03.2018, 20:42
Re: Compiling with default compiler after using Zeex's - by Sew_Sumi - 07.03.2018, 21:53

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