Originally Posted by NaS
Can you show the full code related to the NPC? Most importantly the NPC Mode and the code for putting the NPC into the vehicle?
no, it's totally unnecessary. if i could make the NPC replay the recording in a default gamemode, i think i can in my main mode
the mistake is different. i think one of the callbacks returning with 0 for npc-s but i dont know which becouse i have a modular gamemode.
but this is my code in short
putplayerinvehicle(mynpc, createvehicle(...), 0);
Originally Posted by NaS
Are you sure the recording you use is correct?
yes becouse i played the same record file on the bare gamemode and it's worked fine
Originally Posted by NaS
The reason you don't see the print messages is because they aren't logged to the server console. NPCs are seperate processes but they don't have a console window where you'd see the messages.
i didn't know this, thanks