3D Text Not formatting

Here is the COLOR_HOUSE variable

PHP код:
#define COLOR_HOUSE 0xFFC16600 
Turns out it was the COLOR_HOUSE, the 00 at the end of the hex should be FF

PHP код:
#define COLOR_HOUSE 0xFFC16600 
PHP код:
#define COLOR_HOUSE 0xFFC166FF 
Consider this fixed.

Messages In This Thread
3D Text Not formatting [FIXED] - by seanny - 05.03.2018, 21:38
Re: 3D Text Not formatting - by CantBeJohn - 05.03.2018, 22:41
Re: 3D Text Not formatting - by PepsiCola23 - 05.03.2018, 23:13
Re: 3D Text Not formatting - by seanny - 06.03.2018, 00:16
Re: 3D Text Not formatting - by CantBeJohn - 06.03.2018, 00:49
Re: 3D Text Not formatting - by seanny - 06.03.2018, 10:08

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