error 014: invalid statement; not in switch

Try changing RouletteTime = 20,TotalBet = 0,RouletteStatus = 0,step = 0,step2 = 0,step3 = 0,podkrut = 0;
to this:
PHP код:
RouletteTime 20;
TotalBet 0;
RouletteStatus 0;
step 0;
step2 0;
step3 0;
podkrut 0
Remove the last bracket you marked red. That one is my fault. :P

Also why do you loop twice on i?
PHP код:
for(new ii<3i++) totalbet[i] = 0;
ii<3i++) totalsumma[i] = 0
The second loop will just override the first one i think.

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