01.03.2018, 19:03
because ycmd is faster and it's good if i have much commands.
And with COMMAND_OK it's not working because it's still running the command and send the messages.
i did something wrong?
And with COMMAND_OK it's not working because it's still running the command and send the messages.
public e_COMMAND_ERRORS:OnPlayerCommandReceived(playerid, cmdtext[], e_COMMAND_ERRORS:success) { if(lastcommand[playerid] != 0 && gettime()-lastcommand[playerid] < 1) { return COMMAND_OK; } switch(success) { case COMMAND_UNDEFINED: SCM(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "ERROR: That command doesn't exists. Type /help!"); case COMMAND_OK: lastcommand[playerid] = gettime(); } return COMMAND_OK; }