Custom TXD and Textdraws

Hi. I created a custom TXD overlay and then made a textdraw with it. It works as long as I have it in my root models/txd folder, but when I download it from the server (deleted from models/txd), it doesn't appear anymore.

LogBackground = TextDrawCreate(145.333358, 29.311109, "custtxd:overlay");
TextDrawTextSize(LogBackground, 350.000000, 265.000000);
TextDrawAlignment(LogBackground, 1);
TextDrawColor(LogBackground, -1);
TextDrawSetShadow(LogBackground, 0);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(LogBackground, 255);
TextDrawFont(LogBackground, 4);
TextDrawSetProportional(LogBackground, 0);
I tried switching custtxd with the model ID, cached name etc and without a luck so far. Any ideas?

Messages In This Thread
Custom TXD and Textdraws - by Элиот - 21.02.2018, 07:54
Re: Custom TXD and Textdraws - by ATomas - 21.02.2018, 08:45
Re: Custom TXD and Textdraws - by Элиот - 21.02.2018, 08:58

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