Mysql load problem.

Hello all, I have a mysql script to load players data and and of course save players data. My problem is i cant get varchar fields to load. I have a weapon ownership with a license and i have to register who owns the weapon*. It registers. I can save it when i leave them in cars, houses or leave them on player themselves**. But when it comes to load it just loads a clear string with nothing in it.

*owner is decided by who purchased the gun or if it was shipped illegally. If its illegal it writes unknown.

**I have "weapon1 owner" "weapon2 owner" etc in my mysql as i said it gets updated the way i want but i cant get them back to game.

MySql version(R33):
All of these return as an empty string.

Messages In This Thread
Mysql load problem. - by grymtn - 18.02.2018, 02:47
Re: Mysql load problem. - by DobbysGamertag - 18.02.2018, 03:11
Re: Mysql load problem. - by grymtn - 18.02.2018, 03:46
Re: Mysql load problem. - by Dayrion - 18.02.2018, 03:59
Re: Mysql load problem. - by DobbysGamertag - 18.02.2018, 04:11
Re: Mysql load problem. - by grymtn - 18.02.2018, 04:24

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