Random mass timeouts after grading Debian.

I found what so far appears to be a solution (other than reinstalling Debian 8 ). This leaves the rest of your system intact.

Before using these instructions, you should be familiar with running a samp server on Linux as well as have a basic understanding of Linux and Debian.

Install debootstrap using your package manager (apt-get or aptitude for Debian).
Create a new directory with your choice of name. (I went with "/jessie-chroot" in the root filesystem)
Use debootstrap to install your choice of distribution (I went with jessie, which is the code name for Debian 8 )
As root or using sudo, use chroot to enter the new Debian environment you have installed.
Install libstdc++ 6 within your environment.
Make a new user to run your samp03server.
Install and run the samp03server. (I put mine in my new samp user's home directory)

This gives you the benefits of running your samp server from Debian 8, while allowing you the security of keeping an up to date Debian 9 as your primary system. (And for those of you who have already upgraded and are having timeouts, this will save you having to wipe and start over.)

These instructions should also work for Ubuntu, but I have not tested them and cannot confirm.

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