17.02.2018, 16:05
What's the point of a non-directional offset?
If I was trying to make a row of objects based on 2 "base objects", I'd calculate the offset between them and continuously add this offset to the base coords, which would result in the next object's position. But this Include will not allow that since the offsets aren't directional (the values are always positive even if object 2 is west of object 1). So as a result the offset values can only be used to calculate its length, but not the direction, so my question is: Why not make the whole include about distances instead of offsets? This offset is useless for any other scenario where I'd want to know the direction of the offset. Make them directional (so the offset points from Object A to Object B), OR call the functions GetDistanceBetweenObjects and return the distance instead of 3 values that represent the exact same thing. It's also more efficient to calculate a directional offset than first checking its direction and discarding it either way. |