
I Have problem with checkpoints, when player enter checkpoint nothing happens.

Race checkpoints work fine, but this callback "OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint" doesn't react...



This part showed in the video is a bus driver job, and its starts from
case 14: {
			    if( GetVehicleModel( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) ) == 437 && GetPlayerState( playerid ) == 2 ) {

			        if( BusLinija[ playerid ] < 11 ) {
						Fusion_DisablePlayerCheckpoint( playerid );
						BusLinija[ playerid ]++;
						CheckpointStatus[ playerid ] = 14;
					if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 2 ) Fusion_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 963.2554, -1330.4203, 13.4962, 5.0 );
					else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 3 ) Fusion_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 1222.1409, -1284.2852, 13.5143, 5.0 );
					else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 4 ) Fusion_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 1426.8865, -1244.3213, 13.5173, 5.0 );
					else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 5 ) Fusion_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 1346.6564, -926.8917, 35.0315, 5.0 );
					else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 6 ) Fusion_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 1082.9972, -945.1513, 42.7620, 5.0 );
					else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 7 ) Fusion_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 394.6435, -1344.8381, 14.7427, 5.0 );
					else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 8 ) Fusion_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 346.2153, -1648.3312, 33.1769, 5.0 );
					else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 9 ) Fusion_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 1119.5483, -1708.8313, 13.5159, 5.0 );
					else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 10 ) Fusion_SetPlayerCheckpoint( playerid, 921.5195, -1713.4103, 13.5967, 5.0 );
					else if( BusLinija[ playerid ] == 11 ) {

					    new time = gettime( );
				        new ostatak = ( NovoVreme[ playerid ] - ( time - StaroVreme[ playerid ] ) );
				        if( ( time - StaroVreme[ playerid ] ) < NovoVreme[ playerid ] ) {
					    	SendErrorMessage( playerid, "Dosli ste ranije na marker nego sto je predvidjeno. " );
					    	SendErrorMessage( playerid, "Sacekajte jos %d sekundi i udjite ponovo u marker.", ostatak );
					    	format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), "| "col_server"x"col_white"Game"col_server"Warden "col_acheat"| %s[ID: %d] je stigao na marker pre vremena( za %d od %d sekundi ).", ImeIgraca( playerid ), playerid, (NovoVreme[ playerid ]-ostatak), NovoVreme[ playerid ] );
			        		AdminPoruka( ANTICHEAT, globalstring );
							return 1;
					    Fusion_SetVehicleToRespawn( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) );
					    Fusion_DisablePlayerCheckpoint( playerid );
					    TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, true );
					    BusLinija[ playerid ] = 0;
					    CheckpointStatus[ playerid ] = 0;
					    Fusion_KillTimer( BusVozac[ playerid ] );

					    new bonus = random( 400 );
                        if(ddeal_busvozac == true)
		                    //PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPlatniRacun ] += (PLATA_BUSVOZAC+bonus)*2;
							SavePlayer( playerid ); update_sm_info_tds(playerid);
		                    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPosaoPoen ]++;
							//format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), ""col_job"Uspesno ste zavrsili bus liniju!(DAILY DEAL - PLATA*2)\n\n"col_white"Plata: "col_job"%d$\n"col_white"Bonus: "col_job"%d$", PLATA_BUSVOZAC*2, bonus );
							//SPD( playerid, 0, DSMSG, D_NASLOV, globalstring, "Ok", "" );
						else if(ddeal_busvozac == false)
		                    //PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPlatniRacun ] += (PLATA_BUSVOZAC+bonus);
		                    PlayerInfo[ playerid ][ xPosaoPoen ]++;
							SavePlayer( playerid ); update_sm_info_tds(playerid);
							//format( globalstring, sizeof( globalstring ), ""col_job"Uspesno ste zavrsili bus liniju!\n\n"col_white"Plata: "col_job"%d$\n"col_white"Bonus: "col_job"%d$", PLATA_BUSVOZAC, bonus );
							//SPD( playerid, 0, DSMSG, D_NASLOV, globalstring, "Ok", "" );
						StaroVreme[ playerid ] = 0;
    					NovoVreme[ playerid ] = 0;

    					BussinesJobMoney( POSAO_BUSVOZAC, ((PLATA_BUSVOZAC+bonus)/10) );
					    return 1;
					TogglePlayerControllable( playerid, false );
					BusVozac[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "UtovarBus", 5000, false, "d", playerid );
					GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "~y~Stanica", 5000, 3 );

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint - by TaylorShade - 16.02.2018, 17:34
Re: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint - by GTLS - 16.02.2018, 17:38
Re: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint - by TaylorShade - 16.02.2018, 17:43
Re: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint - by GTLS - 16.02.2018, 17:49
Re: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint - by TaylorShade - 16.02.2018, 18:01
Re: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint - by Sew_Sumi - 16.02.2018, 18:40
Re: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint - by TaylorShade - 16.02.2018, 21:26
Re: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint - by Mugala - 16.02.2018, 21:30
Re: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint - by Sew_Sumi - 16.02.2018, 21:31
Re: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint - by TaylorShade - 16.02.2018, 21:54

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