Laggy Shadows everywhere in SAMP? How do I fix?

So I spawn in LSRP and I immediately see shadows everywhere how do I address this fix. The shadows come everywhere from buildings and trees and it makes my game have heavy lag and frame rate drop to like 20.

Messages In This Thread
Laggy Shadows everywhere in SAMP? How do I fix? - by LucillusTaylor - 08.02.2018, 04:06
Re: Laggy Shadows everywhere in SAMP? How do I fix? - by insus100 - 08.02.2018, 13:12
Re: Laggy Shadows everywhere in SAMP? How do I fix? - by Gforcez - 09.02.2018, 08:15
Re: Laggy Shadows everywhere in SAMP? How do I fix? - by PgMNA - 09.02.2018, 11:26

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