[Include] documented default sa-mp includes

for the 6 people that actually document their code

Some of you may know you can write documentation in your PAWN code and the compiler can generate a report for you. See [Tutorial] Pawn Documentation Comments/Tags or just read the PAWN language guide (around page 52).

I took some time to document the default SA-MP includes using the documentation from SA-MP wiki.
You can find them in the basdon/documented-samp-pawn-api repo.

Note that functions will not show up unless you use them in the script. Callbacks always show up.

Here's a demo report using a simple script that calls all available functions (minus the ones that I forgot). (Requires a browser that supports XSLT, might be heavy to load). This uses my customized pawn doc style.

This might also be useful if the wiki is temporarily down or if your whole country is blocked from sa-mp wiki because of some lesser friendly people that are causing troubles.

Not sure if this is the correct section. I don't think I need to say this but I obviously did not write the actual code, I only appended the documentation comments, which are copied from sa-mp wiki.

Messages In This Thread
documented default sa-mp includes - by yugecin - 01.02.2018, 22:16
Re: documented default sa-mp includes - by yugecin - 03.02.2018, 09:50

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