Weird issue

PHP код:
format(duelmsgsizeof(duelmsg), "DUEL: %s has won the duel against %s at %s! (Bet: %d)"GetName(killerid), GetName(playerid), duelMapNameList[Account[playerid][Map]], Account[Account[playerid][DuelInviter]][Bet]);
GivePlayerMoneyEx(killeridAccount[Account[playerid][DuelInviter]][Bet] * 2);
If the person that started the duel kills the person he invited, that case 0 is called.

But, if the person who was invited kills the person who sent the duel nothing is called.

Both of their variables are the same.

note: I know this is horribly written, it's just for testing

Messages In This Thread
Weird issue - by aoky - 28.01.2018, 21:23
Re: Weird issue - by R4nd4ll - 28.01.2018, 21:33
Re: Weird issue - by aoky - 28.01.2018, 21:54
Re: Weird issue - by R4nd4ll - 28.01.2018, 21:56
Re: Weird issue - by Cypress - 28.01.2018, 21:57
Re: Weird issue - by Mugala - 29.01.2018, 13:18

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