[Pedido] txdname e texturename

Preciso de:
txdname The name of the txd file which contains the replacement texture (use "none" if not required)
texturename The name of the texture to use as the replacement (use "none" if not required)

Como eu vi na wiki de SetObjectMaterial

Messages In This Thread
txdname e texturename - by binnyl - 24.01.2018, 07:51
Re: txdname e texturename - by iLordGG - 24.01.2018, 11:01
Re: txdname e texturename - by B4dSh33p - 24.01.2018, 12:46
Re: txdname e texturename - by binnyl - 25.01.2018, 02:11
Re: txdname e texturename - by iLordGG - 25.01.2018, 13:07
Re: txdname e texturename - by binnyl - 25.01.2018, 23:02
Re: txdname e texturename - by binnyl - 27.01.2018, 03:33

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