NGRP Compile Error 203 (line doesnt exist but why)

C:\Users\HP\Desktop\SA-MP-Development-master\gamemodes\NGRP.pwn(301) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "g_AdminChannelId"
C:\Users\HP\Desktop\SA-MP-Development-master\gamemodes\NGRP.pwn(301) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "g_AdminWarningsChannelId"
C:\Users\HP\Desktop\SA-MP-Development-master\gamemodes\NGRP.pwn(301) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "g_HeadAdminChannelId"
C:\Users\HP\Desktop\SA-MP-Development-master\gamemodes\NGRP.pwn(301) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "g_ServerErrorsChannelId"
The line 301 is not in the pwn file or does not exist. It's only until 300 lines. The symbols g_AdminWarningsChannelId, etc. are from discord.pwn but I've already disabled it from the NGRP.pwn using // but it's showing this error shown.

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