Textdraw Menu size problem

Hard to say.

I usually utilize a textdraw editor for my textdraw-stuff.
Ipleomax's textdraw editor, for instance.

So I am not very familiar with numbers in such connection.

What if you create one textdraw for each of the following contents:

It will:
1. Avoid any limits
2. Easy to alter any part to change colors or alignment
3. Will probably work for you.

I drew in 5 rectangles. The box, Header, Footer and 2x text. That is one way to do it, instead of including everything in one textdraw. Also, by having more than 1 textdraw also avoids the issue with colors after the 255th character.

Messages In This Thread
Textdraw Menu size problem - by Ducati - 22.01.2018, 12:05
Re: Textdraw Menu size problem - by denNorske - 22.01.2018, 12:11
Re: Textdraw Menu size problem - by Ducati - 22.01.2018, 12:16
Re: Textdraw Menu size problem - by denNorske - 22.01.2018, 12:26
Re: Textdraw Menu size problem - by Ducati - 22.01.2018, 13:03
Re: Textdraw Menu size problem - by denNorske - 22.01.2018, 17:33
Re: Textdraw Menu size problem - by Ducati - 27.01.2018, 13:06
Re: Textdraw Menu size problem - by Ducati - 29.01.2018, 11:13

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