22.01.2018, 15:38
forward Airdrop(); public Airdrop() { Delete3DTextLabel(airlabel); DestroyObject(air); airlabel = Create3DTextLabel("{fff700}AIRDROP:{ffffff}This packcage has \many weapons",0xFFFFFF,306.42618, 2026.72473, 16.73662, 30, 0); air = CreateObject(18849, -223.3057, 991.9159, 45.1256, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000); MoveObject(air, -222.0864, 992.7004, 19.5774, 3.0); for(new i=0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { DisablePlayerCheckpoint(i); SetPlayerCheckpoint(i, -222.0864,992.7004,19.5774,3); } SendClientMessageToAll(-1, "{ff0000}[AIRDROP]: {ffffff}Airdrop is on Fort Carson Sherrif Department."); printf(" "); new hora, minuto, segundo; gettime(hora,minuto,segundo); printf("> [AIRDROP]:Airdrop is on Fort Carson Sherrif Department: Ora: [%i/%i/%i]", hora, minuto, segundo); return 1; } And, I want a command of /airdrop which automatically gives the airdrop without reseting or changing timer of airdrop |
The "SetTimer" function work like this...
PHP код:
SetTimer("Name of function you want to run", interval in milliseconds, true or false if it is a repeating timer);
PHP код:
PHP код:
SetTimer("Airdrop", 1, true);