22.01.2018, 08:56
I don't think that's crash, do a 5 seconds timer, which prints out: I am Alive Bilal!
see if it will keep printing when server crash ( you can add time inside it too to be sure its alive ) PHP код:
A solution for that "Latest attack" i noticed the players all have the same ip, that's so easy to block, just detect all incoming connections if more than 2 people connected have the same ip ban them all?
The server is shut down after the crash or players seems him still online? I mean, it can be an infinite loop. Players can connect but get time out on the connection by the server
If you look at the bottom of the output, it actually says that's detected and blocked.
I'd be looking at the script, and tracking down how the person found your RCON password... Do you use words/numbers? Or do you use random A-Z a-z 0-9? I go to https://www.grc.com/passwords.htm for my random passwords. |
i was using numbers 0-9.