Server Crashing.

Originally Posted by Dayrion
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You should check if the player is valid (connected) before treating the code. I'm talking about every callback/commands related to the players like Misiur said.
Do you have any problems left?
Server still crashing but I'm getting no errors this time and it crashing after few hours sometime after 8 to 9 hours some time 5 to 6 hours.

Actually the problem started i tried to reduce the size of amx i removed many Global varaibles even timers and trying and start using SetPVarInt() and GetPVarInt this reduce the size of amx but they are slow i know that after adding them my server become shit. I even removed all of them where ever i used them but the crash issue not going.

I was even using SetPVarInt(playerid,"Timer",SetTimerEx("OnPlayerSo mething",1000,0,"d",playerid));


I even removed those timer and move them back to global varaibles but the crash not fixing still.

Messages In This Thread
Server Crashing. - by MBilal - 16.01.2018, 12:17
Re: Server Crashing. - by Dayrion - 16.01.2018, 12:46
Re: Server Crashing. - by MBilal - 16.01.2018, 12:54
Re: Server Crashing. - by Dayrion - 16.01.2018, 18:10
Re: Server Crashing. - by MBilal - 17.01.2018, 09:35
Re: Server Crashing. - by Misiur - 17.01.2018, 09:56
Re: Server Crashing. - by MBilal - 17.01.2018, 11:29
Re: Server Crashing. - by Dayrion - 17.01.2018, 19:47
Re: Server Crashing. - by MBilal - 18.01.2018, 12:45

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