07.01.2018, 17:34
BRW (Binary Reader and Writer)
Overall, the I/O file functions that the file.inc provides seem to be really powerful and I haven't seen an include that supports reading binary files utilizing them. This include allows you read and write binary data using various data types.
- Endianness: Supports little endian and big endian formats.
- Supports jumping from one position to another position relative to (start, current position and end of file).
- Allows you to read and write signed and unsigned data types.
- Allows you write and read 4-byte floating point values (IEEE 754).
PHP код:
// Returns a valid handle.
BRW: BRW::Open(const filename[], fmode:BRW::type, Endianness:format = little_endian, bool:append = false);
- little_endian
- big_endian
- bin_read
- bin_write
//Closes a handle that was previously opened and returns the number of bytes read or written:
//Jumps to a specific location in the file using a certain offset.
BRW::Seek(BRW:handle, offset, seek_whence: whence = seek_start);
- seek_start //start of the file
- seek_current //current position in the file
- seek_end //end of the file
//Skips a certain number of bytes relative to the current position in the file:
BRW::Skip(BRW:handle, number_of_bytes);
Values can either be retrieved: called-by-reference or returned. The value returned or called-by-reference is converted to a PAWN cell (4-bytes). Each time a function is called, the specific amount of bytes each data type holds are advanced on the file, e.g, INT16 will advance 2 bytes.
PHP код:
//Signed INT8 (signed byte)
BRW::ReadInt8(BRW:handle, &int8 = 0); //Range [-127, 127]
BRW::ReadSByte(BRW:handle, &int8 = 0); //Range [-127, 127]
//Unsigned INT8(unsigned byte)
BRW::ReadUInt8(BRW:handle, &uint8 = 0); //Range [0, 255]
BRW::ReadUByte(BRW:handle, &uint8 = 0); //Range [0, 255]
//Signed INT16 / Unsigned INT 16
BRW::ReadInt16(BRW:handle, &int16 = 0); //Range [-32767, 32767]
BRW::ReadUInt16(BRW:handle, &uint16 = 0); //Range [0, 65535]
//Signed INT32 / Unsigned INT32 (doesn't support values greater than 0x7FFFFFFF - if greater, prints a warning with the value in HEX)
BRW::ReadInt32(BRW:handle, &int32 = 0); //Range [-2147483647, 2147483647]
BRW::ReadUInt32(BRW:handle, &uint32 = 0);
//PAWN cell array (4 bytes)
BRW::ReadCells(BRW:handle, buffer[], maxlen = sizeof(buffer)); //Range [-2147483647, 2147483647]
//4-byte floating point
Float:BRW::ReadFloat(BRW:handle, &Float:value = BRW_FLOAT_NAN)
The input values are PAWN cells that are converted to the specific amount of bytes each data type holds, the values must be bound by the ranges for each data type. Each time a function is called, the specific amount of bytes each data type holds are advanced on the file, e.g, INT16 will advance 2 bytes.
PHP код:
//Signed INT8 (signed byte)
BRW::WriteInt8(BRW:handle, int8); //Range [-127, 127]
BRW::WriteSByte(BRW:handle, int8); //Range [-127, 127]
//Unsigned INT8(unsigned byte)
BRW::WriteUInt8(BRW:handle, uint8); //Range [0, 255]
BRW::WriteUByte(BRW:handle, uint8); //Range [0, 255]
//Signed INT16 / Unsigned INT 16
BRW::WriteInt16(BRW:handle, int16); //Range [-32767, 32767]
BRW::WriteUInt16(BRW:handle, uint16); //Range [0, 65535]
//Signed INT32 / Unsigned INT32 (could write values greater than 0x7FFFFFFF up to 0xFFFFFFFF but those cannot be read.)
BRW::WriteInt32(BRW:handle, int32); //Range [-2147483647, 2147483647]
BRW::WriteUInt32(BRW:handle, uint32)
//PAWN cell array (4 bytes)
BRW::WriteCells(BRW:handle, const buffer[], maxlen = sizeof(buffer)); //Range [-2147483647, 2147483647]
//4-byte floating point
BRW::WriteFloat(BRW:handle, Float:value);
Reading and writing random data:
PHP код:
new const file[15] = "Binary/bin.dat";
new BRW:handle = BRW::Open(file, bin_write);
//Writes a signed INT32
BRW::WriteInt32(handle, 2147483647);
BRW::WriteInt32(handle, -2147483647);
//Writes an usigned INT32 (PAWN really cannot handle numbers greater than cellmax)
BRW::WriteUInt32(handle, 9239481);
//Writes a signed INT16
BRW::WriteInt16(handle, 1294);
BRW::WriteInt16(handle, -3841);
//Writes an unsigned INT16
BRW::WriteUInt16(handle, 62000);
//Writes a signed INT8 (sbyte)
BRW::WriteInt8(handle, 127); //same function
BRW::WriteSByte(handle, -127); //same function
//Writes an usigned INT8 (unsigned byte)
BRW::WriteUInt8(handle, 255); //same function
BRW::WriteUByte(handle, 255); //same function
//writes a 4-byte floating point
BRW::WriteFloat(handle, 234.23444);
BRW::WriteFloat(handle, -32.133);
//Writes a PAWN cell array
new cells[4] = {23449, 1293993, 1283874, 129394};
BRW::WriteCells(handle, cells);
printf("Bytes written: %d bytes.", BRW::Close(handle));
handle = BRW::Open(file, bin_read);
printf("%d", BRW::ReadInt32(handle));
printf("%d", BRW::ReadInt32(handle));
printf("%d", BRW::ReadUInt32(handle));
printf("%d", BRW::ReadInt16(handle));
printf("%d", BRW::ReadInt16(handle));
printf("%d", BRW::ReadUInt16(handle));
printf("%d", BRW::ReadInt8(handle));
printf("%d", BRW::ReadSByte(handle));
printf("%d", BRW::ReadUInt8(handle));
printf("%d", BRW::ReadUByte(handle));
printf("%f", BRW::ReadFloat(handle));
printf("%f", BRW::ReadFloat(handle));
new dest[4];
BRW::ReadCells(handle, dest, sizeof(dest));
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(dest); i++)
printf("dest[%d] = %d", i, dest[i]);
printf("Bytes read: %d bytes.", BRW::Close(handle));
Bytes written: 46 bytes. 2147483647 -2147483647 9239481 1294 -3841 62000 127 -127 255 255 234.234436 -32.132995 dest[0] = 23449 dest[1] = 1293993 dest[2] = 1283874 dest[3] = 129394 Bytes read: 46 bytes.
PHP код:
Example using BRW to read binary data contained in the GTA SA Path's folder.
Documentation to read the binary files can be found at: http://gta.wikia.com/wiki/Paths_(GTA_SA)...4.59468668
** Header **
4b - UINT32 - number of nodes (section 1)
4b - UINT32 - number of vehicle nodes (section 1a)
4b - UINT32 - number of ped nodes (section 1b)
4b - UINT32 - number of navi nodes (section 2)
4b - UINT32 - number of links (section 3/5/6)
** Node entry **
4b - UINT32 - Mem Address, unused
4b - UINT32 - always zero, unused
6b - INT16[3] - Position (XYZ), see below
2b - INT16 - unknown, always 0x7FFE
2b - UINT16 - Link ID
2b - UINT16 - Area ID (same as in filename)
2b - UINT16 - Node ID (increments by 1)
1b - UINT8 - Path Width
1b - UINT8 - Node Type
4b - UINT32 - Flags
#include <a_samp>
#include <BRW>
/* Sizes in Bytes */
#define HEADER_SIZE (20)
#define LINK_ENTRY_SIZE (4)
new const filename[24] = "Paths/NODES21.dat";
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, linkid, areaid, nodetype;
const nodeid = 23;
printf("Path node: \n");
ReadPathNode(filename, nodeid, x, y, z, linkid, areaid, nodetype);
printf("nodeid: %d | areaid: %d | linkid: %d | type: %d | pos(%f, %f, %f)", nodeid, areaid, linkid, nodetype, x, y, z);
stock ReadPathNode(const filename[], nodeid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z, &linkid, &areaid, &nodetype)
new BRW: handle = BRW::Open(filename, bin_read); //The default endianness is: Little endian.
#define POSITION_OFFSET 8 //relative to the start of each node entry
new totalnodes = BRW::ReadUInt32(handle);
if(nodeid >= totalnodes)
printf("ERROR: Invalid nodeid. The max node index is %d.", totalnodes - 1);
return 0;
BRW::Seek(handle, HEADER_SIZE + (PATH_NODE_ENTRY_SIZE * nodeid) + POSITION_OFFSET, seek_start); //Position the file on the nodeid's entry relative to the start of the file.
x = floatdiv(float(BRW::ReadInt16(handle)), 8.0);
y = floatdiv(float(BRW::ReadInt16(handle)), 8.0);
z = floatdiv(float(BRW::ReadInt16(handle)), 8.0);
BRW::Seek(handle, 2, seek_current); //skip 2 bytes | could have used BRW::Skip(handle, 2);
linkid = BRW::ReadUInt16(handle);
areaid = BRW::ReadUInt16(handle);
BRW::Seek(handle, 3, seek_current); //skip 3 bytes (nodeid and path width) could have used BRW::Skip(handle, 3);
nodetype = BRW::ReadInt8(handle); //Unsigned INT8 (byte)
return 1;
Feel free to report any bugs or provide some suggestions or feedback!