Help homies!

	if (GetPlayerSpeed(i) > 210)
		    if (!IsAPlane(GetPlayerVehicleID(i)) && GetPlayerState(i) != PLAYER_STATE_PASSENGER)
		        SendAdminAlert(COLOR_LIGHTRED, "[ADMIN]: %s has possibly used speed hacks (%.0f mph).", ReturnName(i, 0), GetPlayerSpeed(i));
		        Log_Write("logs/cheat_log.txt", "[%s] %s has possibly used speed hacks (%.0f mph).", ReturnDate(), ReturnName(i, 0), GetPlayerSpeed(i));
It is supposed to be an anti speed system, but when for example there are 2 admins in the server and the one is flying, the other one gets called in with him, not only the hacker. It happens, doesn't matter if the hacker is an admin or not, it catches another player too.
Help with this, please!

Messages In This Thread
Help homies! - by BluePlayBG - 05.01.2018, 17:57
Re: Help homies! - by BluePlayBG - 06.01.2018, 07:01
Re: Help homies! - by Kraeror - 06.01.2018, 07:08

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