Originally Posted by SyS
Remove this part from the include
PHP код:
public GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid) //By Sacky
new Float:x;
new Float:y;
new Float:z;
new vdid = VehicleDriverID(vehicleid);
new Float:cx = SavePlayerPos[vdid][LastX];
new Float:cy = y;
new adj = GetPointDistanceToPoint(SavePlayerPos[vdid][LastX],SavePlayerPos[vdid][LastY],cx,cy);
new opp = GetPointDistanceToPoint(x,y,cx,cy);
new Float:rad = itan(opp,adj);
new ang = RadiansToDegrees(rad);
return ang;
its already defined in a_samp
There's more than that, that file i mentioned is fucked up and UF.INC is nowhere to be found.