[Include] Mining Framework

SA-MP Mining

Dynamic Mining System Framework.

Current Version

v0.2 R1

Script is still under development.

How To Install

Put mine.inc and MINE folder in pawno > includes or use sampctl.


sampctl package install medzvel/samp-mining

After that do this in your gamemode.


#include <mine>


Functions to use this library.


forward CreateGoldStone(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, name = 2);
forward CreateNormalStone(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, name = 1);
forward CreateDiamondStone(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, name = 3);
forward DebugStone(stone);
forward SetStoneName(class, name[]);
forward GetStoneDefaultName(class, out[], length = sizeof(out));
forward GetStoneName(class, out[], length = sizeof(out));
forward CreateStone(class, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
forward DestroyStone(stoneid);
forward IsValidStoneID(stoneid);
forward SetStonePricePerGram(class, price);
forward GetMinedStonePrice(class, Float:grams);
forward GetStonePricePerGram(class);
forward LoadStones(filename[]);
forward GetStoneID(stone);
forward AddStone(filename[], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);


Callbacks which you need to use


forward OnPlayerEndMining(playerid, class, Float:Amount);
forward OnPlayerStartMining(playerid);

How To Let Player Mine

If you want to let player mine stone. You have to use function: PlayerCanMine(playerid, bool:value); Example :


public OnPlayerStartMining(playerid)
    if(GetPlayerScore(playerid) < 3)
        PlayerCanMine(playerid, false);
        PlayerCanMine(playerid, true);

Loading stones from file

Create file in scriptfiles. Name it what you want. Under OnGameModeInit() write LoadStones("FileName");

At this moment, LoadStones function is still under development. Right now if you want to load stones from file, in file you would write positions with this format: StonePositions(x, y, z);



Stone class will be choosen randomly.




If you have any idea, to improve this script, feel free to do this. After doing some fix or Finding any bug please open issue or make pull request.

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details



Messages In This Thread
Mining Framework - by Amagida - 02.01.2018, 14:55
Re: Mining Framework - by Dignity - 02.01.2018, 15:02
Re: Mining Framework - by Amagida - 02.01.2018, 15:09
Re: Mining Framework - by rfr - 02.01.2018, 15:40
Re: Mining Framework - by Amagida - 02.01.2018, 15:42
Re: Mining Framework - by Zeth - 02.01.2018, 15:57
Re: Mining Framework - by cuber - 02.01.2018, 15:59
Re: Mining Framework - by RogueDrifter - 02.01.2018, 16:02
Re: Mining Framework - by Injury - 02.01.2018, 19:46
Re: Mining Framework - by Amagida - 02.01.2018, 19:52
Re: Mining Framework - by kurta999 - 02.01.2018, 21:05
Re: Mining Framework - by Amagida - 03.01.2018, 05:45

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