[Help] with "fightserver"

First im Austrian -> i cant speak english very well^^

i've build 2 airports in the water^^ in the middle of the airports there is a ship.
There are 2 Teams. They must control the ship ->They have to stay 10 Minutes on the ship.
-> Team A is on ship. at 5 minutes TEAM b comes and kills TEAM A. when there are 2 Teams on the ship it stops to count.
when TEAM A comes back it counts from 5 minutes. When a team have 10 minutes they won the round and it start again.
Please help me^^

Messages In This Thread
[Help] with "fightserver" - by BMGP - 12.09.2009, 09:15
Re: [Help] with "fightserver" - by CJ101 - 12.09.2009, 09:20
Re: [Help] with "fightserver" - by BMGP - 12.09.2009, 10:12

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