OnPlayerShot A Dynamic Vehicle

I have this vehicle streammer:

Is that possible to GetDynamicVehicleID on a shot (to remove vehicle health from unocupped vehicles and make a anti cheat)...
But GetPlayerDynamicVehicleID(playerid); get dynamicvehicleID from the vechile player is driving...

How to make it? I've tried:
PHP код:
public OnPlayerWeaponShot(playeridweaponidhittypehitidFloat:fXFloat:fYFloat:fZ) {
vehid hitid;
format(stringsizeof(string), "Vehicle Shotted %i Weapon %i."vehidweaponid);

To test, i know i trying
new vehid = hitid;
Get the current vehicle ID, not dynamic ID

But nothing print when i shot a car, nothing happen...

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerShot A Dynamic Vehicle - by maikons - 27.12.2017, 02:14
Re: OnPlayerShot A Dynamic Vehicle - by JaKe Elite - 27.12.2017, 13:41

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