Is it essential?

Originally Posted by Lucases
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You need a forum for these features

1) Ban appeals
2) Faction applications
3) Gang applications
4) Player reports
5) Announcements (a website is enough)
6) Staff reports
7) Discussions

And more....

You need a forum, otherwise your server isn't complete, you will miss a lot of things
1) Can be done via dialogs after connection with a banned account and specific commands for admins
2) Can be done via dialogs after entering specific command and specific coomands for leaders
3) same as 2)
4) Can also be done via dialogs (DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX would be nice) - also links can be posted and beeing showed (if image)
5) Textdraws, Gametexts, Commands, Dialogs, endless options after you connect or logged in
6) same as 4)

All points are examples.


I also prefeer a website.
There would be only one thing which makes a website "important". If you server crash's or got maintenance.

English as its best, drunk german cunt trying to type.

Messages In This Thread
Is it essential? - by kevann - 25.12.2017, 12:54
Re: Is it essential? - by Sting. - 25.12.2017, 13:03
Re: Is it essential? - by Dignity - 25.12.2017, 13:05
Re: Is it essential? - by kevann - 25.12.2017, 13:06
Re: Is it essential? - by Sting. - 25.12.2017, 13:09
Re: Is it essential? - by kevann - 25.12.2017, 13:12
Re: Is it essential? - by Lucases - 25.12.2017, 13:13
Re: Is it essential? - by cuber - 25.12.2017, 14:14
Re: Is it essential? - by Luis- - 25.12.2017, 14:29
Re: Is it essential? - by GangstaSunny. - 25.12.2017, 15:33
Re: Is it essential? - by Zeth - 25.12.2017, 15:47
Re: Is it essential? - by Astralis - 25.12.2017, 16:06
Re: Is it essential? - by AlexMSK - 25.12.2017, 17:39

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