25.12.2017, 09:35
Game-mp.com is the only company owned by SA-MP team that hosts servers, all hosting companies are using game-mp to host your servers but hosting companies cannot place you in the hosted list without game-mp so if you are going to host your server and you got game-mp account then I highly recommend using it because if the website is down, your server will still be in the host tab.
For about $20 per month (I am not entirely sure about this number as I do not have an account on game-mp) you can purchase a hosted tab listing. However, registration on game-mp is closed and has been for a while. Some SA-MP hosting services resell hosting tab spots for a higher price. Usually about $30 and sometimes even up to $55.
You do not need to host your server with their service though since there are a couple of websites out there that sell just the hosting tab spots.