11.09.2009, 16:01
I repaired this error, but now are give this error: the objects created are Double and this:
Code is :
Help please.
Code is :
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <xStreamer>
new radius = 200;
new Float:degree=0.0;
new Tunnel[750];
public OnFilterScriptInit()
new Float:X, Float:Temp, Float:Y, Float:Px, Float:Py;
for(new Objects; Objects < 750; Objects++)
if(degree < 360)
X = floatmul(floatcos(degree, degrees),radius),
Temp = (radius * radius) - floatpower(X, 2),
Y = floatsqroot(Temp),
Px = floatadd(0, X),
Py = floatadd(0, Y);
Tunnel[Objects] = CreateStreamedObject(13592, Px, Py, 10.000, 0, 0, degree);
printf("X: %.2f, Y: %.2f, Degree: %.3f", X, Y, degree);
return 1;
Help please.