How to store inputtext into variable properly?

Originally Posted by jasperschellekens
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I did that but now i get errors on the following lines:
C:\Users\Abc Winkel\Desktop\New SAMP Project\gamemodes\New.pwn(42197) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "CharacterFirstname")
C:\Users\Abc Winkel\Desktop\New SAMP Project\gamemodes\New.pwn(42440) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3)
CharacterFirstname[playerid]=INI_Int(Acc(playerid),"CharacterFirstname"); //line 42197
INI_IntSet(Acc(playerid),"CharacterFirstname",CharacterFirstname[playerid]);//line 42440
INI_Int reads a cell value (integer) from an INI file, however a name is not just one integer value, but an array/string.
You must use INI_String and INI_StringSet instead. I never used the ini include so I'm only guessing those are the names.

If they are not working tell me which INI Include you are using and I can tell you the correct way of storing/reading it.

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