Yellow things to enter??

its something like DisableInteriors(); or something, hopefuly someone can correct me if im wrong, which I probably am.

Messages In This Thread
Yellow things to enter?? - by Lia - 11.09.2009, 00:13
Re: Yellow things to enter?? - by _Vortex - 11.09.2009, 00:24
Re: Yellow things to enter?? - by Lia - 11.09.2009, 00:27
Re: Yellow things to enter?? - by _Vortex - 11.09.2009, 00:34
Re: Yellow things to enter?? - by Lia - 11.09.2009, 00:39
Re: Yellow things to enter?? - by Anwix - 11.09.2009, 00:49
Re: Yellow things to enter?? - by Lia - 11.09.2009, 00:53

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