Bloodring Banger repair crash

Hello everybody

I faced the problem.
Trying to repair a vehicle Bloodring Banger (in Pay'n'spray or by function RepairVehicle()) players near the car go to crash.

What may this problem be connected with?

P.S. Server's version: 0.3.7 R2

Messages In This Thread
Bloodring Banger repair crash - by Splav - 06.12.2017, 10:13
Re: Bloodring Banger repair crash - by ][Noname][ - 06.12.2017, 13:32
Re: Bloodring Banger repair crash - by Splav - 06.12.2017, 21:54
Re: Bloodring Banger repair crash - by ][Noname][ - 07.12.2017, 01:21

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