
Because recursion is when you recall the function inside itself.

You're creating an infinite loop which might freeze your server until it reaches an end point or you close the server successfully.

Shall you be worried about it? pretty much, if you don't stop it correctly.

Messages In This Thread
їRecursion? - by ByMatt20030 - 05.12.2017, 20:27
Re: їRecursion? - by Kaperstone - 05.12.2017, 20:33
Re: їRecursion? - by ByMatt20030 - 05.12.2017, 21:28
Re: їRecursion? - by jasperschellekens - 05.12.2017, 21:50
Re: їRecursion? - by chneubeul - 06.12.2017, 07:53
Re: їRecursion? - by adri1 - 06.12.2017, 09:29
Re: їRecursion? - by chneubeul - 06.12.2017, 11:15

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