Server doesnt let more than 10 players to log in (mysql bug)

What about this and number 10 in it ?

 mysql_tquery(sql_connect, "SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY `eventpoints` DESC LIMIT 10", "OnQueryFinishup", "ii", THREAD_EVENTWINER, playerid);

Messages In This Thread
Server doesnt let more than 10 players to log in (mysql bug) - by AlexMSK - 03.12.2017, 16:18
Re: Server doesnt let more than 10 players to log in (mysql bug) - by doreto - 03.12.2017, 16:24
Re: Server doesnt let more than 10 players to log in (mysql bug) - by AlexMSK - 03.12.2017, 16:46
Re: Server doesnt let more than 10 players to log in (mysql bug) - by Hunud - 03.12.2017, 18:39
Re: Server doesnt let more than 10 players to log in (mysql bug) - by Banana_Ghost - 04.12.2017, 15:37

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