22.11.2017, 18:42
So umm I'm deciding to use your plugin. So what we have is that we have a channel command. Whenever someone uses /channel 1, it automatically gives out a message saying "example has switched to channel 1" Can you help me integrate it within the script, so that when ever someone uses /channel 1, he automatically gets switched to channel 1. I need complete steps please.
if(Voip[playerid] == false) return SCM(playerid, COLOR_GREY,"You have not activated your Voip label. (Hint: /channel on)"); Update3DTextLabelText(voiplabel[playerid], 0xE91616FF, "Channel: 1"); SendNearbyMessage(playerid, 20.0, 0xE91616FF, "**%s Has switched to the channel 1.**", ReturnName(playerid, 0), params); }