
I think it gets called when you're not near the player or so. I've opened npctest.pwn to look at the code, so the bot every some seconds gets your position, and checks if you're streamed in:
PHP код:
format(msg,256,"I have %d connected players with %d streamed in",num_connected,num_streamed_in);
When i was away from the bot, it returned "I have 1 connected players with 0 streamed in"

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerStreamOut - by Skream - 11.11.2017, 10:26
Re: OnPlayerStreamOut - by Escobabe - 11.11.2017, 10:57
Re: OnPlayerStreamOut - by Meller - 11.11.2017, 11:42
Re: OnPlayerStreamOut - by Skream - 12.11.2017, 12:47

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