HELP MYSQL load data from other table

format(Query, sizeof(Query), "SELECT `score` = '%d', `skin` = '%d' FROM `users` WHERE account_id='%d'", PlayerInfo[extraid][score],PlayerInfo[extraid][skin],gacinfo[extraid][id]);
mysql_function_query(Conecction, Query, true, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", 0, extraid);
I tried with the code that was in comment, and nothing, did not charge, neither life, nor anything ...

emmm wait.. i tried again and it worked lol...

Messages In This Thread
HELP MYSQL load data from other table - by Darkay - 08.11.2017, 13:38
Re: HELP MYSQL load data from other table - by Lucases - 08.11.2017, 13:46
Re: HELP MYSQL load data from other table - by Darkay - 08.11.2017, 13:54
Re: HELP MYSQL load data from other table - by Lucases - 08.11.2017, 13:57
Re: HELP MYSQL load data from other table - by Darkay - 08.11.2017, 13:58
Re: HELP MYSQL load data from other table - by Darkay - 08.11.2017, 14:24
Re: HELP MYSQL load data from other table - by StrikerZ - 09.11.2017, 02:09

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