Vehicle's position

Hello guys, is it possible to get the vehicle's spawn position, without using the callback OnVehicleSpawn, because this callback doesn't check the vehicle's position when I spawn it in-game?
If there is function for getting vehicle's spawn position, please give me, I realy need this!

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle's position - by Kraeror - 06.11.2017, 12:42
Re: Vehicle's position - by StrikerZ - 06.11.2017, 12:47
Re: Vehicle's position - by Kraeror - 06.11.2017, 12:49
Re: Vehicle's position - by StrikerZ - 06.11.2017, 12:52
Re: Vehicle's position - by Kraeror - 06.11.2017, 12:53
Re: Vehicle's position - by Lucases - 06.11.2017, 13:02

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