[FilterScript] [0.3][FS] Base-reloaded ;D (small)

any who...

kick+ban command from base, modified for a lil' fun
gl_common.inc are already included here so no need to #include them, for fast testing and blah blah you get the idea,
This script was design for fun, you can add, modify, just what ever,
just post in forum if you like the joke behind it.

~ Tenshi @ #PTP in irc.ffsnetwork.com port 6667
or if you don't have irc client, use webirc @

and enjoy.

AH!!!!!!!! before i forget, i got this idea from what Matie was talking to me about today.

[other info]
there is regular commands, /kick and /ban
there is a extra section that should be taken out, its called /testit
make sure u test, modify as you wish and remove this command! thanks...

info: when kicked or banned this is what the player will see afterwards...

[zoom to top left corner]


[.zip extention]

[.rar extention]

* [edit]: hahaha seem's solidfiles uploaded 2 of my files and entire site went down after that lol

anyways (damn it) here is paste bin preview. http://tenshi.03.pastebin.com/f6ecab998

...like i said, just for kicks (fun)

Messages In This Thread
[0.3][FS] Base-reloaded ;D (small) - by Tenshi - 09.09.2009, 06:40
Re: [FS] Base-reloaded ;D (small) - by Kurence - 09.09.2009, 17:04
Re: [FS] Base-reloaded ;D (small) - by Tenshi - 09.09.2009, 18:28

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