23.10.2017, 21:57
If u have a spectate system u should have a Timer and a var who get the playerid of spectated player by an admin.
Now u need to change a little ur function, and maybe your /spectate, /spectateoff and your Timer.
new SpectateID[MAX_PLAYER]; //-> This remember the playerid of your player you want to spectate.
forward ProxDetector(Float:radi, playerid, string[],col1,col2,col3,col4,col5); public ProxDetector(Float:radi, playerid, string[],col1,col2,col3,col4,col5) { new Float:posx, Float:posy, Float:posz, Float:oldposx, Float:oldposy, Float:oldposz, Float:tempposx, Float:tempposy, Float:tempposz; GetPlayerPos(playerid, oldposx, oldposy, oldposz); foreach( Player, i ) { if(PlayerConnected[ i ] == 1) { if(SpectateID[i] == playerid) { SCM(i, col1, string); } else { GetPlayerPos(i, posx, posy, posz); tempposx = (oldposx -posx); tempposy = (oldposy -posy); tempposz = (oldposz -posz); if (((tempposx < radi/16) && (tempposx > -radi/16)) && ((tempposy < radi/16) && (tempposy > -radi/16)) && ((tempposz < radi/16) && (tempposz > -radi/16))) { SCM(i, col1, string); } else if (((tempposx < radi/8) && (tempposx > -radi/8)) && ((tempposy < radi/8) && (tempposy > -radi/8)) && ((tempposz < radi/8) && (tempposz > -radi/8))) { SCM(i, col2, string); } else if (((tempposx < radi/4) && (tempposx > -radi/4)) && ((tempposy < radi/4) && (tempposy > -radi/4)) && ((tempposz < radi/4) && (tempposz > -radi/4))) { SCM(i, col3, string); } else if (((tempposx < radi/2) && (tempposx > -radi/2)) && ((tempposy < radi/2) && (tempposy > -radi/2)) && ((tempposz < radi/2) && (tempposz > -radi/2))) { SCM(i, col4, string); } else if (((tempposx < radi) && (tempposx > -radi)) && ((tempposy < radi) && (tempposy > -radi)) && ((tempposz < radi) && (tempposz > -radi))) { SCM(i, col5, string); } } } } }