[HELP] y_hook question.

It's possible to use hook more times to a same public in different includes?


Structure files.


In gamemode.pwn

#include <samp>

#include <YSI/y_hook>

#include <FolderSystems/system_name1>
#include <FolderSystems/system_name2>

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)

	return 1;
In FolderSystems/system_name1.inc

hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
	//do something.
        return 1;
In FolderSystems/system_name2.inc

hook OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
	//do something.
        return 1;
And i got this error error 021: symbol already defined: "@yH_OnPlayerKeyStateChange@005" on system_name2.
This mean i can't use hook multiple times on a same public or I do something wrong?
How i should make my 'modular programming'... if hook don't work multiple times for a same public?

Should i make a function in system_name1, system_name2 and then calling on OnPlayerKeyStateChange in gamemode.pwn.
If i need do so, why i should use y_hook?

I have a big problema, anyone can explain me, ty.
I hope u undestood me.

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] y_hook question. - by kingmk - 23.10.2017, 19:13
Re: [HELP] y_hook question. - by Lokii - 23.10.2017, 19:16
Re: [HELP] y_hook question. - by kingmk - 23.10.2017, 19:19

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