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23.10.2017, 18:05
Last edited by DimaShift; 23/10/2017 at 06:45 PM.
Originally Posted by Konstantinos
It's from OverLight v3; Fly (the bmx animations):
pawn Code:
const PLAYER_SYNC = 207;
public OnIncomingPacket(playerid, packetid, BitStream: bs) { switch (packetid) { case PLAYER_SYNC: { new onFootData[PR_OnFootSync];
BS_IgnoreBits(bs, 8); BS_ReadOnFootSync(bs, onFootData);
switch (onFootData[PR_animationId]) { case 157, 159, 161: { if (!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { onFootData[PR_animationId] = 1189; onFootData[PR_velocity][0] = onFootData[PR_velocity][1] = onFootData[PR_velocity][2] = 0.0; BS_SetWriteOffset(bs, 8); BS_WriteOnFootSync(bs, onFootData); } } } } } return 1; }
It sets the animation to the default standing one, but velocity doesn't make the player to stop. I think re-writing the old PR_position, everyone will see them standing in a place but the cheater can still fly to his client.
So my question is can we make the cheater unable to use them (make him to stop moving etc)?
EDIT: Setting PR_position to old position stored does indeed show to everyone the player standing but in cheater's screen still riding.
this cheat (OverLight v3) is also created by RakNet packet and is hard to catch in given cases
test this!
const PLAYER_SYNC = 207;
public OnIncomingPacket(playerid, packetid, BitStream: bs)
switch (packetid)
new onFootData[PR_OnFootSync];
BS_IgnoreBits(bs, 8);
BS_ReadOnFootSync(bs, onFootData);
if onFootData[PR_velocity][0] > 0.0 && onFootData[PR_animationId] == 1189) return Kick(playerid);
return true;