21.10.2017, 07:44
Anti - CleoFly (Anti-Cheat)
He catches only cleo fly! Код:
const PLAYER_SYNC = 207; IPacket:PLAYER_SYNC(playerid, BitStream:bs) { new onFootData[PR_OnFootSync]; BS_IgnoreBits(bs, 8); BS_ReadOnFootSync(bs, onFootData); if(onFootData[PR_animationId] == 958 && onFootData[PR_weaponId] != WEAPON_PARACHUTE){ new string[144],name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name)); format(string,sizeof(string),"{FF0000}[Anti-CleoFly]: {FFFF00}%s {999999}(ID:%d) {00FF00}auto-kicked {FF0000}[Reason: CleoFly]", name,playerid); SendClientMessageToAll(-Unu, string); string[0] = EOS; Kick(playerid); return false; } return true; } |
EDIT: this include checks for more animations
(Ain't sure what they are)
There is a hack as I remember to fly with swimming animation.