[Include] i_foreach - Small and lightweight foreach with custom iterators


My foreach is extensible, small, and uses no hooks.

Before hand, saying that I haven't fully read the first post.

But what interests me, is if I can squeeze that lemon more with this include over y_iterate and save some processing/time (benchmarks in other words)

And those custom iterators ( )

#define iter_initial_total_players 0
#define iter_check_total_players(%0) IsPlayerConnected(%0)
#define iter_top_total_players GetPlayerPoolSize()
#define iter_selector_total_players(%1)(%2) iter_selector_default(%1)(%2)
#define iter_name_total_players(%1)(%2) iter_name_default(%1)(%2)

That doesn't sound much of an advantage in simplicity of writing a code.

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