How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages?

My example is

This for command that does not exist


ERROR: Unknown command! Check: /cmds

This for command that has a usage


USAGE: /ME<Text>

in Example
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
       dcmd(me, 2, cmdtext);
       return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "ERROR: Unknown Command! Check: /cmds");

Messages In This Thread
How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Meller - 10.09.2017, 12:55
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Kane - 10.09.2017, 12:59
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Splodyf23 - 10.09.2017, 13:21
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Kaperstone - 10.09.2017, 14:24
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Astralis - 11.09.2017, 01:35
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Paulice - 11.09.2017, 02:19
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Assister - 11.09.2017, 03:44
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Meller - 11.09.2017, 07:56
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Eoussama - 11.09.2017, 09:16
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by wallee - 11.09.2017, 09:58
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Vince - 11.09.2017, 10:05
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by cuber - 11.09.2017, 12:21
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Mobtiesgangsa - 11.10.2017, 23:31
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Mado - 14.10.2017, 08:12
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by AzaMx - 14.10.2017, 21:22
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Arbico - 28.10.2017, 15:10
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Escobabe - 28.10.2017, 15:20
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Lucases - 28.10.2017, 17:20
Re: How would you enjoy a server formatting their messages? - by Twizted - 28.10.2017, 20:49

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